SaskEnergy Volunteer Champion Awards

The SAASE Awards program is designed to recognize annually the achievements of individuals and organizations in the Saskatchewan fairs and exhibitions industry. SaskEnergy supports the Volunteer Champions Awards program, and SAASE would like to thank them for their continued commitment to the volunteers of Saskatchewan.  All members of SAASE share a responsibility to participate in the nomination and selection process. All members of SAASE are eligible to nominate and to receive awards. Volunteers are the lifeblood of our industry – the SaskEnergy Volunteer Champion Awards give us an opportunity to recognize those individuals who have done so much to make not only our Agricultural Societies better, but to also make our communities and province a better place to live.

Honourary Life Membership

Criteria for selection: This honourary award is based on a member’s lifetime contribution to the local society, to the community in which they live, to the Province of Saskatchewan and, where applicable, to the national scene. Application for nomination – Enclosed. 

Volunteer of the Year

Criteria for selection: Presented to an individual volunteer or a volunteer couple, associated with a member society, who has/have made a significant contribution to the society.

  • High priority will be given to leadership qualities, innovative ideas, and exceptional service to the society.
  • Involvement or participation in agricultural society related activity.
  • Knowledge of and dedication to the agricultural society industry.

Achievement of the Year

Awarded in one of two categories:

  • Agricultural society with paid management
  • Agricultural societies with volunteered management
Criteria for selection:

An award presented to the agricultural society organization who is deemed to have achieved the most significant achievement during the year. Achievement is defined as a special accomplishment such as:

  • the introduction of a notable new idea or concept;
  • a major facilities or grounds development;
  • dealing with extreme adversity;
  • involvement with industry partners;
  • demonstrated community support for the organization.

Agricultrual Society Anniversary Year Award

Awarded to an agricultural society celebrating a significant anniversary year milestone. Agricultural societies wishing to be recognized fill out the attached form and return it to SAASE. A certificate will be presented to that agricultural society at the annual convention.